Haven't posted in a couple weeks... been so busy, as we all are.
I had a bout of food poisoning last weekend and it was surely something I will never forget! Incredible pain and the most horrible discomfort... so hard to explain it! I don't think I've had anything like this before (other pain, but this was really weird). So so happy it's over!!! I think the culprit was some beef stew meat I was making in the crockpot. It was a new recipe, and there was a lot of potatoes in the pot with the meat and I don't think the meat got done enough. I made the mistake of taking a couple bites too early in the cooking time when I knew I shouldn't. So, my thing now is that red meat makes me sick, even to LOOK at! I'm terrified of it!!! This might be a good thing, really. Not that I'm against eating meat, but it's not the healthiest thing to eat too much of it.