My daughter, Molly, who is 14, made this pendant! Can you believe it?! It's perfect! It's a very strange feeling when your kids get older and they can do things just as well as you (and sometimes better).
Elizabeth, a wonderful customer of mine, bought a pendant from me and made it into the most fabulous necklace! Her email address is
My little one loves sweets, so we all had some fun and made some cupcakes. I can't help but think of Jenn whenever I hear the word CUPCAKE! This is a good thing.
Speaking of Jenn, I am waiting with anticipation for her new PRINTS! I want one!!!
Hoping the weather gets better here. It's been so cold this winter and now spring is cold, too.
It's been a rough couple weeks here at our house. Allergies this year are just horrible! It must be all the snow we got this year? Thank goodness for Zyrtec, Claritin, Flonase, blahblahblah.
I'm excited to offer up my new little pocket mirrors on etsy! These are just the cutest little things. Another "etsian" did them for me, and she did such a great job! Wanted to pass it on, so here's her shop: christinerenee.