Thursday, March 12, 2009


Anyone have a used laptop you'd like to trade for any of my artwork, jewelry, etc. in my etsy shop? Laptop doesn't need to be great, but does need to be fast enough to surf the web, get emails, etc... 1 GB minimum preferred. Size doesn't matter, nor condition, as long as it works!

Liz <<<--- desperate!


Mandi said...

Hi. I just started reading your blog. And drooling over your Etsy store!!!

My DH just got me a new laptop. I had been using one for some software I can't run on my imac, but it's kind of old.

If you're still looking for a laptop for trade let me know and I can look up it's statistical information (I have no idea how big the memory is or was DH's hand-me-down, so at one time it was TOL)

Liz said...

DARN! I just bought one on ebay a few days ago!

Can you tell me the hard drive size, how many gigs, and the processor type anyway? and the screen size? Maybe my daughter could use it! :) I love trades!


Liz said...

Mandi... contact me through my etsy shop (convo) and I will give you my email addy! THANKS!
